You don't have permission to save in this location

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Post by dusty »

File > Print > doPDF v7 > [Print] [Browse] Select/create some folder other than My Documents (e.g. E:\TEST to which I am the owner and administrator both and have FULL CONTROL permissions in the folder, especially when I just created it and checked it) then apply filename (e.g. saveme) click [Save] in the Browse window. ERROR: "E:\TEST\saveme.pdf

You don't have permission to save in this location

Contact the adminstrator to obtain permission.

Would you like to save in the <loginname> folder instead?"
What in Windows 7 do I need to change to make doPDF and Windows 7 play nice together? I do not have this save error message with any other utility. doPDF is the only one giving me grief in Windows 7.

Claudiu (Softland)
Posts: 1565
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Post by Claudiu (Softland) »

hi, can you tell us (in order to try to reproduce this):

- what windows 7 you have installed (32 or 64 bits)?

- from which application are you trying to print and receive this error (if it's the browser, what version and does it do the same problem from other applications)?

- do you have the latest version installed for dopdf (build 332 or newer?)
thank you.

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Post by walked »

Hi, I'm having the same problem too.

Except, I'm trying to save files to c:\ from the internet (i'm trying to download a program). Do you know how to solve this issue?


Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:00 am

Post by Carter »

Tell we that what version of window 7 you are currently using 32bit or 64bit??? i think the file you are trying to save to your computer would be broken or have the broken links thats why there is a problem encountering