Word 2003 error: There is insufficient memory or disk space...

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Post by George59 »

OS: XP sp3

Word 2003 sp3

doPDF v7.2 Build 359
Since I installed doPDF I get the following error message when I try to go to "Page Setup":
There is insufficient memory or disk space. Word cannot display the requested font.

When I try to do the same the second and any other times after the first attempt, I can open Page Setup with no problem.
If I exit Word and go back, the same problem happens, but only the very first time.
The problem is caused by doPDF because if I make any other printer to be the default one, I don't get this error message. Once I set the doPDF printer to be the default one and open Word and attempt to go the Page Setup, get the same error.

What's the remedy?

Claudiu (Softland)
Posts: 1565
Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:19 am

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »

We have tested this scenario but we could not replicate the issue.
Can you send us the file you are trying to print or a sample from it having the same fonts at [email protected] so we can try with that instead?
Thank you.

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