Rotated .jpg files not printed rotated

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Post by ctsphiter »

Thank you for the great product of yours that we all come to utilize for free.
I have scanned .jpg images, and as the to-be-scanned documents of various types in excess in size that don't fit in the scanners' screen, they must be laid vertically, or horizontally, whichever fits the screen size.
The problem occurs when printing in pdf format after rotating them, as necessary. At the end of the printing process appears a little preview of the .jpg image(s) to be printed, and it shows the original unrotated image as preview, and the printed image also shows the unrotated image in pdf format. This occurs even when I rotate the image beforehand, and even when I re-save it with a painting tool (Paint.NET); it appears that whether it's rotated or not does not matter when it comes to printing in pdf format.
I'm using DoPDF v6 on Windows XP SP3, converting only .jpg images to pdf. I appreciate ideas, information, fixes that would solve or are pertinent to this problem. Thanks.

Claudiu (Softland)
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Post by Claudiu (Softland) »

Glad you like doPDF. It seems that this is a problem with the printing program ( in this case), because doPDF "prints" just like a regular printer exactly what it receives. I'd suggest you try to print the image (actually rotate and print after) from a different image editor (i.e. Irfanview, picasa) to see if those print ok.

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Post by ctsphiter »

Sorry, I wasn't clear about printing; I don't use Paint.NET to print out .jpg images. I right-click on an image and choose "print" then choose DoPDF v6. I use Paint.NET to reduce the file size and edit the image. After that I ptint out/convert.
I'm not computer-versed but it seems that rotation only appears on surface in the viewer, and code(?) or registry(?) isn't really changed/overwritten by rotating. As a result, as I wrote earlier, in the preview shows the original unrotated image to be printed.
You said DoPDF prints exactly "what it receives," does it mean "what is viewed"?

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