Pictures have been cut

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Post by Laber »

I made a booklet of 12 pages with OpenOffice and dopdf. For printig preperation I made a pdf with dopdf build 308 and printed it in "Broschuere" mode, which means that two pages which are printed together are mounted at the same print page. For example page 1 and the last page or page 2 and the page before the last and so on.

I had a lot of pictures in the text document. One of them I cutted in the text editor of OpenOffice because it was too large. Dopdf made a pdf-File where the picture have been cutted much more than I did it in OpenOffice. The size is as I want. The picture is zoomed. This effect does only occur in the "Broschuere" mode. In the normal mode (pages in "normal" order) the pdf is correct. An other pdf creator (PDFCreator) is doing this job correct. (It makes other trouble.)

As a work around I cutted the picture with an external program before I mounted it into the text document and all is working well.

I think there might be a bug between OpenOffice and dopdf. On all other aspects dopdf is a fine program and working very well. With the new build 311 the result is the same.

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