no rights to save pdf after creation

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Post by pauors »


I'm using latest version of dopdf on windows 7 and IE 8. When I try to save on any other location than "my documents" I get this error message:

"you re not authorized to write at this place..." and the system asks me if I want to use my user's folder instead (c:\users\xxxx\)?

It happens only with IE, it works fine with chrome, firefox etc... I've checked user rights on this partition and internet options in IE. It's like I dont have rights on destination folder, just "my documents" location

Do you have an idea?

Claudiu (Softland)
Posts: 1565
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Post by Claudiu (Softland) »

Unfortunately this is related to the User Access Control setting in Windows 7 and the Internet Explorer 8 and 9 Setup forcing the users to print only in safe directories and we cannot do much as a workaround for this.
Thank you for understanding.

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