Default save location

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Default save location

Post by StephanPaternotte »

As a long time user (and advocate) of doPDF, I have one single annoyance that could be easily if cured.

Would it be possible to save the PDF in the same map/directory as the original file?
This would make so much more sense in (my) workflow.
Of course, it would require that doPDF manages to obtain that original file location from the application that started the print job.
If this source location somehow is not available, then doPDF could fall back to its usual doings.

In short: save locations in order of (my) preference
1. doPDF offers to save PDF at same location of original document
2. doPDF offers ot save PDF at previous save location
3. doPDF offers to save PDF at designated location (option always save at this location)

Thanks for the best PDF-printer in the world.

Claudiu (Softland)
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Joined: Thu May 23, 2013 7:19 am

Re: Default save location

Post by Claudiu (Softland) »

An older version of doPDF had by default that behavior of saving the PDF to the same location as the source file, but unfortunately due to a lot of inconsistencies over various operating systems we had to remove that and by default now the Documents folder will be chosen. The only other solution is to set a default folder and everytime you create a PDF it will be saved in that default folder (i.e. Desktop).

If we find a solution to make this happen (i.e. same output folder as source one) we'll include it in a future release.

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